Thursday, 28 May 2015

Term 2 Week 7

Te Tuhi
On Thursday room 28 went to Te Tuhi we were learning to about vertickill gardins.  First we meet Jermy.  Scond we went to an art room.   Therd we sat at a chear each.  Fourth we got an vivid and then we took the capes off the vivides then  Jermy told us to draw on a platic bottle. ( If you didn't know we had platic bottes ) then wecut it out with sisiers ( again if you didn't know we had sisers ).  Fith we decrecared our bottles with karaka and kowhai stickers we cold aslo draw on the stickers.then we had to put some stuff 
in the bottles then we played a little bit of hang man.  Then Jemry said some stuff then we we said thank you to Jermy. Then we left Te Tuhi and went back to school.                    


Anonymous said...

You have improved heaps with your story telling. Very proud of you.

Mum x

Anonymous said...

Good Job Buddy.
You have lots of great trips to Te Tuhi don't you?

Dad x